A month ago nearly everybody would have been busy setting new goals and making resolutions full of promise to themselves, that they would make lasting changes to their lives, and that they would start working towards new goals. Yet, as we sit here at the start of another month, I can’t help but wonder how many people have already reverted back to their old selves, and have given in on the resolutions that they made with the best intentions in the world?

It’s not a new phenomenon, and it certainly isn’t confined to the world of network marketing: all you need do for evidence of that, is look at how new gym memberships and attendance levels rocket at the start of January, only to slowly fall over the ensuing weeks. But, given the goal orientated nature of our industry, the sudden lack of commitment to what was so important only a matter of a few weeks ago, is even more obvious.

In the twenty-three years that I have been in this industry, there hasn’t been a single year where it hasn’t happened, and this year is no exception. People start the year with such good intentions, yet as the emotion attached to the making of that those resolutions begin to fade, so do their good intentions and commitment.

You see, true commitment is all about doing what you said you would do, long after the emotion that you said it in has passed. It’s not about doing it for a few days, a few weeks, or even a few months. Instead, it is about doing what you said you would do every single day, until you achieve what you set out to achieve. It may take longer than a year, yet if you’re truly committed to a resolution, to a goal, you won’t stop doing whatever it takes, until you have achieved it.

How many of you are thinking ‘where did January go?’ You see, when we set goals and make resolutions, they need to be backed up with a plan, and if you didn’t make a plan for January, I’m sorry to say that it has slipped by and gone for another year. And herein lies another problem that people fall foul of, the ‘oh well, there’s always next year’ mentality. Whilst there always will be next year, it, why wait another year, to live the life of your dreams?

Do you realise just how much you can achieve in a year, when you have a clear focus and structure, a clear vision of where you want to be, and how you’re going to get there? I think the majority of you will be surprised. You don’t always need to know exactly how you will get there, but you can’t start a journey, without first knowing the destination. And life is just that, a journey, and we must know where it is that we are going, or we drift aimlessly through life. And as the great Jim Rohn said, ‘drifting is great, but you will never drift your way to the top.’

For some, drifting through life is all that they want to do, and do you know what, that’s ok. But for those of us who are making resolutions, setting goals, and aspiring to a better future, we are not drifters. So don’t let yourself fall into a ‘drifter mentality’, instead do whatever it takes, every single day, to ensure that you make it to the top.

You might not have stuck to your resolutions, but let me tell you this, it’s never too late to make a change. But ultimately, it comes down to one thing, do you really want to make a change? If so, I urge you to get your focus back and start doing the daily activity that is required to make your dreams a reality.


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